2024 Email Design Trends: Elevate Your Campaigns

2024 email design trends focus on optimizing the mobile user experience and increasing engagement. Three prominent trends include animated GIF typography, mobile-first email design, and full-image emails.

GIF typography uses short animations to highlight key text within emails, subtly and effectively capturing the reader’s attention. Instead of using standard GIF images, this trend focuses on creating dynamic effects for fonts and colors, making the message more engaging.

Mobile-first email design prioritizes optimizing emails for mobile devices first, then adapting them for desktop screens. With over 70% of users opening emails on their phones, designing emails vertically and narrowing them on desktop screens ensures readability and a consistent user experience across all devices.

Full-image emails involve designing the entire email content as an image and then uploading it to the email sending platform. This method allows for complete visual control and ensures consistent display in both light and dark modes, especially on mobile devices. However, it’s crucial to consider the text-to-image ratio to avoid emails being flagged as spam. Using alt text for images is essential to ensure the email is still understood by spam filters and users when images fail to load.

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