Key Facebook Ads Targeting Changes in 2024

Facebook Ads are undergoing significant changes in 2024. This article focuses on the adjusted audience targeting methods. 3-4 years ago, advertisers could target very specifically, defining the exact audience, reasons, and timing for ad displays, down to gender and age. While this is still possible, it’s no longer as granular.

Changes at the Facebook Ad Set Level

At the campaign level, you won’t see any changes. However, at the ad set level, you now have two options: Advantage+ audience with Plus audience suggestions as an option.

Audience Options

With Plus audience, you can decide to target very specific custom audiences. For example: existing customers, website visitors, or if interested in a specific field, you can choose a specific interest. Previously, selecting a specific interest would target only that interest group.

Facebook’s New Trend

However, Facebook is now shifting towards targeting people similar to that interest group. There’s a big difference between targeting those definitely within the interest group and those similar to it. People who might be interested in an interest you’re targeting may not actually be a good fit for your product.

Advantage+ Audience and Audience Suggestions

When you click on Advantage+ audience, you’ll see a familiar interface but with a crucial difference. In the Suggestions section, if you choose the interest “Fake Nails”, you’ll see a message: “Our ad technology automatically finds your audience. If you share audience suggestions, we’ll prioritize audiences that match this profile before searching more broadly.”

“Suggestions” is a significant departure from the previous “Targeting”. Now, we’re not simply selecting audience suggestions and letting them run. We need to test cautiously across a few campaigns and multiple clients. If effective, the transition will be easier as Facebook is encouraging the use of these suggestions.

Using Core Audiences and Audience Expansion

If the suggestion method isn’t effective, we’ll use Core Audiences, selecting interest groups as usual. You’ll notice the audience expansion option (previously the “Do you want to expand your audience?” checkbox) has been removed. This signals Facebook’s move towards more advanced, detailed tools and optimization.

Recommendations for Advertisers

To be safe, don’t rush into applying this new feature with a large ad budget. If your brand is running successful ads, use this feature as a test, don’t switch everything over immediately. Test and optimize gradually to find the best method for your ad campaigns.


The changes in Facebook Ads for 2024 require advertisers to be flexible and adaptable. Testing, analysis, and optimization will become more crucial than ever to achieve the best advertising results. Stay updated on the latest changes from Facebook to maximize the platform’s potential.

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