Etsy Account Suspended? Proxy and IP Blacklist Issues

Etsy is a fantastic online marketplace for creative entrepreneurs and artisans. However, having your Etsy account suspended can be a major setback. One common reason for suspension is the use of proxies or blacklisted IPs. This article will delve into this issue and offer solutions to safeguard your Etsy account.

Why Etsy Accounts Get Suspended Due to Proxy and IP Blacklist Issues

Using multiple Etsy accounts with the same IP address can raise red flags for Etsy, suggesting potential fraudulent activity. Etsy utilizes automated systems to detect suspicious behavior, including the use of proxies or IPs that have been blacklisted due to policy violations. If the system detects this, your account may be suspended for investigation or permanently closed.

Several factors can contribute to an IP being blacklisted:

  • Using low-quality proxies: Multiple users sharing a free or cheap proxy can lead to Etsy flagging that IP as spam.
  • Proxy abuse: If the proxy you’re using has been previously used for activities that violate Etsy’s policies, that IP might already be on the blacklist.
  • Violating Etsy’s Terms of Service: Even when using a dedicated IP, violating Etsy’s terms of service can result in your IP being blacklisted.

Solutions for Proxy and IP Blacklist Problems on Etsy

To prevent your Etsy account from being suspended due to proxy and IP issues, you can implement the following solutions:

  • Use a dedicated static IP: This is the best solution to ensure the security of your Etsy account. Each Etsy account should use a separate static IP. Consider using 4G/5G mobile data from different providers if you manage multiple shops.
  • Choose a reputable proxy provider: If you must use a proxy, select a reputable provider that offers high-quality IPs and has a clear support policy. Prioritize residential proxies to minimize risk.
  • Don’t share proxies: Avoid sharing proxies with other users to reduce the risk of IP abuse and blacklisting.
  • Comply with Etsy’s policies: Carefully read and strictly adhere to Etsy’s Terms of Service to avoid violations and account suspension.


Proxy and IP blacklist issues can severely impact your Etsy business. By understanding the causes and implementing the suggested solutions, you can protect your Etsy account and maintain stable business operations. Invest in a secure IP solution and comply with Etsy’s policies to avoid unnecessary complications. Start building a successful Etsy shop today!

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