Formatting eBooks for Amazon KDP: A Beginner’s Guide

In this article, we’ll explore how to format your eBook for Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), a crucial step for publishing your book on Amazon. You can format your book yourself using Microsoft Word, a simple yet effective tool.

Formatting Your eBook with Microsoft Word

When you receive a manuscript from a writer, if it’s not already formatted, you can do it yourself in Word. The process is quite simple and doesn’t require advanced skills. Here are the basic steps:

Step 1: Setting Up the Cover Page

  • Choose the “Title” style for the book title.
  • Change the font and font size as desired (e.g., Georgia).
  • Center the title and subtitle (if any).

Step 2: Page Breaks and Content Formatting

  • Use “Page Break” to insert a break after each section (cover page, table of contents, chapters…). This ensures the content displays correctly on Kindle.
  • Choose the “Normal” style for the main content.
  • Use full justification for paragraphs.
  • Choose a suitable font and font size (e.g., Georgia, size 12).

Step 3: Formatting Chapters and Chapter Titles

  • Use the “Heading 1” style for chapter titles.
  • Customize the “Heading 1” style (font, size, alignment…) by right-clicking and selecting “Modify”. For example: Georgia, size 16, bold, centered.
  • Use “Heading 2” or “Heading 3” for subheadings within chapters (if needed).

Step 4: Creating the Table of Contents

  • After the copyright page, insert a “Page Break” to create a new page for the table of contents.
  • Type “Table of Contents”.
  • Go to “References” -> “Table of Contents”.
  • Select “Custom Table of Contents”.
  • Choose a table of contents style from “Template”.
  • Set “Show levels” to 1 if only using “Heading 1”.
  • Uncheck “Show page numbers”.
  • Select “Use hyperlinks instead of page numbers”.

Step 5: Review and Finalize

  • Review the entire content to ensure consistent formatting.
  • Click on the links in the table of contents to ensure they lead to the correct locations.

Other Formatting Options

Besides formatting yourself, you can choose other options such as:

  • Using Kindle Create: Amazon’s free formatting tool.
  • Hiring a formatting service: Many freelance services on Fiverr or professional individuals can help you format your eBook with higher quality.
  • Using Vellum: Paid software with many professional formatting features.

Formatting: Important but Not Decisive

eBook formatting is important for a better reading experience. However, compared to the book cover, formatting has less influence on a reader’s purchasing decision. A book with good content and an attractive cover can still be successful even with basic formatting. The most important thing is that the formatting is clear, easy to read, and doesn’t annoy the reader.


Formatting an eBook for Amazon KDP is not too complicated. You can do it yourself with Microsoft Word or choose other options depending on your needs and budget. Remember, quality content and an attractive book cover are still the most important factors in attracting readers. Good luck on your book publishing journey!

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