Nội dung
To connect your GoDaddy domain to your Shopify store, follow these steps:
Step 1: Access Domain Settings in Shopify
Log in to your Shopify admin panel. In the bottom left corner, select Settings. In the Settings menu, choose Domains. You’ll see your default Shopify domain (yourstorename.myshopify.com). Select Connect existing domain.
Step 2: Configure DNS Settings in GoDaddy
Log in to your GoDaddy account. Select the domain you want to connect to Shopify. In the domain management section, find and select DNS.
Important: Delete all existing DNS records to avoid conflicts and ensure proper redirection. Note: It’s recommended to back up your DNS records before deleting them.
Step 3: Add New DNS Records
You need to add three new DNS records in GoDaddy:
A Record:
- Name: @
- Value: (Shopify’s IP Address)
- TTL: Leave as default
AAAA Record:
- Name: @
- Value: 2606:4700:30::681c:3bff (Shopify’s IPv6 Address)
- TTL: Leave as default
CNAME Record:
- Name: www
- Value: shops.myshopify.com. (Note the period at the end)
- TTL: Leave as default
After adding the records, click Save. The DNS update process can take anywhere from 1 to 48 hours.
Step 4: Verify the Connection in Shopify
Return to your Shopify admin panel, enter your domain name (e.g., www.yourdomain.com) and click Next. Shopify will automatically verify the connection.
Step 5: Set Your Primary Domain
After a successful connection, in the domain management section of Shopify, select the newly connected domain. Click Change domain type and select Primary domain for both versions (with and without www).
Step 6: Check the Result
After completing all the steps, visit your website using your GoDaddy domain. If the website displays the correct Shopify content, the connection process was successful. If not, wait a while for the DNS to fully update.
Connecting your GoDaddy domain to Shopify is quite simple if you follow the steps correctly. Using your own domain name enhances professionalism and builds brand recognition for your online store. If you encounter any difficulties, contact GoDaddy or Shopify support for assistance.