3 Hot Audible Keywords for Vietnamese Audiobook Publishing

The audiobook trend is booming. Are you a Vietnamese content creator looking to leverage Amazon KDP and earn money with Audible? This article reveals 3 potentially lucrative Audible keywords that are currently trending in the market, helping you seize the opportunity and optimize your success on this platform.

Part 1: Wicca – Exploring the Mystical World of Spirituality

The keyword “Wicca” belongs to the spiritual realm, revolving around the themes of magic and witchcraft. Currently, numerous audiobooks about Wicca are dominating Audible with impressive Best Seller Ranks (BSR). The lower the BSR, the higher the sales. Books with a BSR under 20,000 often generate thousands of dollars in monthly income.

Wicca isn’t just a single keyword; it unlocks a vast niche market. You can create content on various aspects of Wicca, such as:

  • Types of Wiccan magic (herbal magic, candle magic, crystal magic…)
  • Guides to becoming a Wiccan witch
  • Wiccan self-care practices

Beyond Audible, Wicca is also a strong keyword on Amazon Kindle and for print books. This demonstrates the immense earning potential of this niche market.

Part 2: Weight Loss Hypnosis – A Solution for a Slimmer Figure

“Weight loss hypnosis” is an incredibly appealing keyword, particularly effective on the audiobook platform. Users often listen to audiobooks while relaxing or doing chores, creating an ideal environment for absorbing information from hypnotic suggestions.

Audiobooks on weight loss hypnosis often achieve very high BSRs, bringing significant income to the author. Another advantage is that hypnosis books don’t require an excessively high word count. You can focus on content quality and an engaging narration style to captivate listeners.

Part 3: Life Coaching – Guiding Towards Success

The keyword “life coaching” targets individuals seeking personal development and achieving success in life. Notably, audiobooks about “becoming a life coach” are currently in high demand.

The advantage of this keyword lies in its “back-end” business potential (selling supplementary products/services). After attracting readers through your audiobook, you can promote advanced life coaching courses and services, significantly increasing your income.

Although competition on Amazon Kindle is quite high, the audiobook market for life coaching still holds considerable potential. By choosing longer and more specific keywords (e.g., “life coaching handbook”), you can minimize competition and reach the right target audience.


“Wicca,” “weight loss hypnosis,” and “life coaching” are excellent keyword suggestions for embarking on Vietnamese audiobook publishing on Audible. Thoroughly research the market, create high-quality content, and optimize your keywords to achieve success on this platform.

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